ECE Professional Development
The therapists at Play Therapy i.n.c (integrate, nurture, connect). are committed to support the education of professionals that interact with children and families. Our presentations are research based on a wide range of topics sharing knowledge and insight to nurture the connections between children, families, and community. Our presentations are experiential and can be custom designed for parents, care providers, educators, mental health, medical, and spiritual professionals.
Training and consultation services for educators and care providers are also provided by the Therapists at Play Therapy i.n.c. We recognize that social emotional challenges arise in childcare and school settings. We offer coaching and consultation to empower care providers, administrators and teachers by providing research based training focused on supporting children’s emotional development and competency. Our teacher and provider education programs are customized to meet your specific needs. We offer a range of one-time presentations, workshops series, program consultation and hands on coaching.
Whole Brain Classroom Management
This training is typically 2-3 hours and great for early childhood centers who provide care to children birth to 6 years. The training is interactive and engaging allowing participants to see how social emotional development builds from infancy. Giving staff confidence for supporting mental health and wellness in their classroom at all ages.- Basic brain structure, function and development
- Integration
- Mental Health and Wellness
- Classroom Strategies for supporting the Developmental tasks for children birth-6
- Is the World Safe?
- Am I ok?
- What can I do?
Meeting the Needs of the Developing Brain
This training is typically 1.5-2 hours and perfect for any caregiver working with children. Early childhood professionals and parents walk away with better knowledge of child development and how to use brain science to reduce challenging behaviors.- Basic brain structure, function and development
- Horizontal Integration (Right/Left Brain)
- Vertical Integration
- Integration of memory
- Integration of self
- Integration of self and others
Discipline, Consequences, and Punishment, Oh My!
This training is a minimum of 3 hours geared towards professionals, teachers, and parents who are curious about effective discipline. Caregivers will learn the difference between discipline, consequences, and punishment leaving with more confidence and understanding of how to change behaviors.- The difference between discipline, consequences, and punishment
- How the 3 C’s (Changing, Changeable, Complex) of the brain help caregivers establish effective discipline
- Proactive parenting
- Establishing a connection to self and their child in the discipline process
- The “NO Drama Connection Cycle”
- How discipline today helps shape Insight, Empathy, and Mind sight for the future
Flipping Your Lid: Detours On The Road To Classroom Management
This training is 2-3 hours and ideal for school age or early childhood teaching staff. Educators will leave with an understanding of how to work with challenging behaviors in the classroom without losing control of the class.- Supporting Social Emotional Developmental Tasks
- Preventing Challenging Behaviors
- Creating Empathetic Relationships, Expectations, and Boundaries
- Redirecting Challenging Behaviors
- Understanding the body’s STRESS response
- Providing Regulation Activities throughout the day
From Chaos To Brainy: Schedules, Routines, and Transitions
This training is 1.5-2 hours and is geared for any early childhood or school age program where transitions, following schedules, and routines are difficult. Participants will learn how to apply brain science to successful transitions, schedules and routines.- Understand basic brain development and structure and how it helps us in:
- Preventing Challenging Behaviors
- Creating Empathetic Relationships, Expectations, and Boundaries
- Understanding how integration of the whole brain helps us in understanding the body’s STRESS response
- Creating smooth transitions
- Redirecting challenging behaviors
Ready, Set, Learn: Understanding and Supporting Regulation
This training 3 or more hours and is geared toward school age classroom staff and professionals. Participants will learn how to optimize learning in the classroom by applying brain science to when our brains are ready to learn and receive information.- Review of brain structure, function, and developmental tasks
- Whole brain engagement-Horizontal and Vertical Integration
- Stress and its effect on the body and brain
- Stress in the classroom and its effect on engagement
- Apply whole brain engagement to help assess learning readiness in the classroom
- Identify what messages you are sending to the brain to supporting engagement in the classroom