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Seven Ways to be Present

If I had to choose a word specific to my relationships it would be PRESENCE.  I want to be present in the here and now as much as I can be for myself, my partner, my children, my family and my friends. Let’s take a few quick minutes to think about some practical ways to be present and show up.
  1. Devices Free Zones: Make meal times a device free zone (yes, this includes when you are out at a restaurant)
  2. Prepare a meal: Plan a meal to make together and spend the time in the kitchen preparing it. Let your littles help out (some might need a lot of help…you have to be ok with the mess!)
  3. Read aloud: Read out loud to one another or choose an audio book to listen to while you snuggle up
  4. Care-giving routines: When you are engaged in care-giving routines (morning rush, bed time etc.) turn off your notifications, set down your phone, shut down your email. It will all be there waiting once you have given your loved one your undivided attention.
  5. Play! Set aside some time during the weekend to PLAY. This can be as simple as spending some time building Legos, doing a puzzle together, playing a board game, playdough….. you get the idea!
  6. Move your body: Find a way to get some MOVEMENT in your life. Take a walk, go to the park, shovel the snow, sled, ice skate, make a snow fort (if we ever get snow), check out an indoor playground or play area, hit up the local recreation center and swim.
  7. Try something new: Seek out new local places to go to that do not cost a lot of money and try something you have never done before. This is a great resource to help you find fun things to do in Denver.
That list hopefully gets you thinking about ways to turn down the distractions, the noise, and pressure to be on the go all the time so that you can SLOW DOWN and SHOW UP! What is one small change you are willing to make to increase your PRESENCE in 2020?